Thursday, August 5, 2010

Potties and Harsh Realities

Isaiah 41:10
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.

It's amazing how you can feel so accomplished yet so defeated at the same time. If you're ever feeling this this verse...drink some herbal tea and woosah :) Trust me, it helps. 

Today Klaeyton walked up and told me that it was raining outside and by golly it was. How did my little man get to be so smart all of a sudden?

His new obsession (other than eating cheese with all his meals) is the potty. He talks about it all the time and he's even let me put him on it. He loves to flush it, and even insists on doing so after he tells me he needs his diaper changed. I'm skeptical as to whether he's really ready or not, considering he's not even two yet, but I figure we might as well buy him his own potty chair and give it a whirl. The worst that could happen is he loses interest and we wait a while and try again. Oh but how nice it would be to have him out of diapers before Julyiet arrives. 

This evening Klaeyton and I experienced a harsh reality. My belly is just getting too big for him to sit on top of me in the "big chair" when we snuggle before bed. Instead we sat on the couch and attempted to snuggle but it wasn't the same and at one point he got so frustrated he went and sat in the big chair without me and told me I couldn't sit with him. I think in that moment he broke my heart for the first time. I had to let him be and it was one of those moments when I realized that he won't always want me around, or better yet, he won't need me around. I know I know he's only a toddler but it's like a small glimpse into the later years of parenthood. Ones that I can already tell are going to be a lot tougher than taming tantrums and changing diapers. It didn't last long...he was back on the couch with me within minutes. But those few moments were enough time for me to realize that I better get all the snuggles in that I can. 

Oh the joy of being an ordinary mom. 

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