Thursday, September 16, 2010

The Park

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful outside. So Klaeyton and I went on an adventure to the park. We really should go more often considering it's so close and Klaeyton loves it. 

He was talking about the slide in this picture. I just love it. He looks so grown up. It makes me sad. 

I love his wild man hair. I'm not cutting it. It's going to get long and shaggy :)

I let him take his shoes off because of his boo-boo on his foot. He had a blister.
I think little kid feet are so cute. 
Ok...I just thought this was too cute. 

It was a fantastic time. And it gave me true quality time with Klaeyton. We talked about the sky. The grass. The sun, that he called "ball" and rocks and leaves. 

Oh the joy of being an ordinary mom. 


  1. Just precious. I'd love to take Harry to the park, but, sadly, Oakwood is not the best place for little ones. I need to find other parks around here.

  2. We don't live far from you, we're on the other side of oakwood park, down a little ways on 31st street on a side street. Day's Dam is only one street over from us.


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