1. 9/11 should be a national holiday. I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that day. I think it's like this for most Americans.
2. I'm really tired, but fear I won't sleep well tonight.
3. I woke up this morning freezing, ummm....hello Ohio, I'm ready for fall not winter.
4. Matt went and had the oil changed today and had some diagnostics done on our car, according to them, if we fixed everything that is wrong with it, it would cost us 1600 bucks! That's almost what we paid for it! We can't do it all, but we def have to have our brakes done this week...sometimes I wish we could get by without needing a stinking car.
5. I spent a lot of time on the couch today, my back still aches.
6. I tried watching college football today, I'm just not that into it.
7. I was able to catch up with some old friends this evening. When I think about it, I've met a lot of people in my life that have impacted me somehow. It just goes to show God's plan for me in action.
8. Klaeyton has a blankey fetish. He insists on taking like 4 of them to bed with him. And if he wakes up at 5 or 6 and I stick him in the bed with me, I can't leave his room without all his blankeys.
9. I drank a lot of hot chocolate today. It was fantabulous.
10. After K.s bath tonight we were snuggling on the couch watching Shrek (of course) and he was rubbing my belly. I almost cried. It was precious.