Wednesday, April 20, 2011

A Month Old List

1. We all know how bad I am at keeping this blog thing up. I need to just ingrain in into my routine each week and then maybe I won't go weeks without posting. 

2. I have ingrained running and exercise into my routine! Anyone who knows me knows how much I hate physical activity so this is quite the accomplishment for me. I gotta get myself buff for vacation this year :) 

3. I can now run for twenty minutes without stopping. Woo!

4. Jules is now eating cereal and 1st stage foods. And she's already 4 months old. Where did this time go? She weighs 13.6 lbs which is almost half of Klaeyton! It's gotta be the formula chunking her up. But she's definitely happier and has quite the little girl squeal. 

5. Klaeyton got a hair cut :) If summer ever shows its face, he won't be sweating to death. 

6. Speaking of summer...we are sooo ready! This was taken on one of those rare warm days here in Ohio. 

7. Matt is officially an STNA and is in the midst of finding a job. He starts school this summer at LCCC going for most likely his RN. It's definitely exciting. 

8. I'm still working for the church from home and I'm also an Avon lady :) I really like getting free stuff :) here's my website and here's my facebook page where you can get all sorts of updates

9. Klaeyton's new toy obsession is Thomas. And of course it's definitely an expensive obsession...

10. I already have an idea for my next post, Yes! :) hehe at least you know it won't be weeks before the next one. 

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