Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The Big Boy Bed

So. I went against everything I said and broke down and put K in a big boy bed. We were blessed enough to have a friend from Matt's work give us an awesome blue race car bed complete with mattress. 

This could have been a complete disaster. I shouldn't really complain at all. The last two nights that Klaeyton has slept in his big boy bed, he has stayed there all night and has done fantastic. It's a little rough getting him to lie down but eventually he just lies down and goes to sleep. Which means I haven't lost any sleep. :)

Nap time? Hah. Not a complete disaster, but certainly not smooth sailing. The first day we couldn't get him to stay in his room period. Which resulted in a tough evening. Yesterday, he happened to fall asleep in the car and stayed asleep when Matt put him in the bed. Today? Well he's stayed in his room so far, but no sleep. Of course I know it could be worse, but this also means that I will be dealing with a cranky Klaeyton this evening. I think I may have to do some reading on somehow getting him to keep his nap. I am certainly not ready for him to give it up. But how do you convince a two year old that he needs to take a nap when he can freely roam his room?

Oh the joy of being an ordinary mom. 

Monday, September 27, 2010

My Ten List For Monday!

1. I apologize in advance if this list sounds whiny. I've had a rough day. 

2. I woke up this morning with every intention of being productive, getting my week going and determined to keep my energy level up. 

3. HAH! Of course it didn't work out that way. As I got into my car and put it into drive, I realized my brake light was on and the brake pedal just glided straight to the 

4. So almost four hundred dollars later, my brakes are fixed. 

5. I got our stuff moved upstairs. And I did get some things done around the house, but I still feel super behind. 

6. The midwives put me on iron pills. Yuck. Did I already post about this? I can't even remember. 

7. We're selling our Wii if anyone is interested, we kind of need the money now :(

8. On a bright note, I only have 11 weeks or less left until baby Julyiet gets here! Yay!

9. But that makes me think about all the stuff I still need to do. Boo. 

10. I should just quit while I'm ahead... C'mon Monday Night Football, my qb needs to have an awesome game so I can win my fantasy game this week :)


Klaeyton loves the swings.

Here he was insisting on trying to swing like this. It didn't work so well. 

One thing I think Klaeyton loves more than swinging is his Pini. 

Klaeyton's Pini is my little sister Katie. She isn't too little. We're ten years apart but she's fourteen and this is her first year of high school. She was also just diagnosed with Crohn's Disease. She spends a lot of time in pain and unfortunately I've seen her cry a lot. But this picture captures Pini how I love to see her...smiling and being the best aunt she can be to a little boy that loves her dearly. He even rubs her back when she's in pain. 

Please pray for my sister. 

Thursday, September 23, 2010


Klaeyton loves sticks. As I mentioned in the previous post. 

This particular stick is still sitting on our back porch. I'm surprised he didn't ask to sleep with it. :)

Oh the joy of being an ordinary a boy :)

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My Eleven List for Wednesday!

1. It has been a busy week. I feel like today is the first day I've really had time to breathe. 

2. So here I am, catching you up with snipets :) is that even a word?

3. Klaeyton has had an over abundant amount of energy the last couple days. It seems like all he does is run around. And fight naps and bedtime. Thank God for his crib rails ;)

4. I asked Matt one day if we could just keep him in a crib till he was 18. He laughed at me. 

5. The other night Klaeyton tumbled out of his crib while I was in his room. It happened so fast, he like somersaulted out. I think it scared him a lot and I don't think he'll do it again, although I'm pretty sure he wasn't intentionally trying to escape. 

6. We went to the park again today (pics will be up tomorrow :) and came home with a stick. Klaeyton loves sticks. 

7. I think all kids should play with sticks. It forces them to use their imagination. 

8. I watched the season premiere of Glee today. Yes, I'm a Glee nerd. I can't help it. But I don't think I'll admit it ever again. So don't ask :)

9. A few other of my favorite shows premiere tonight, which means they will be readily available tomorrow online :) Oh fall how I love thee. 

10. I found peppermint mocha creamer at Target yesterday. Yes I bought some. And yes it was that very creamer that motivated me to get out of bed this morning :)

11. I finished the second book in the Hunger Games trilogy today. I can't even express (without writing you a short book) how amazing they are. If you haven't picked them up, check them out. Bring on the third one! I must admit I'll probably be very sad when it ends though. 

Controlling Affection

Being a mom is one of the most unpredictable roles a woman can have. I say this, even though I am a planner. A woman of routine and neatness, sometimes a little more rigid than I should be. But I have learned that there are things you just can't control. And things you shouldn't try to. 

For instance, newborn babies are a piece of cake. I mean, I think so. You can control a lot of things when your child is a newborn. They influence your schedule (sleeping, eating and what not) but what I'm talking about isn't those things. You control the affection with your child. You hug them when you want, you kiss them when you want and you can certainly hold them anytime you want. It's all about you. 

Then they develop personalities. Klaeyton will be two in just about two weeks and he's a little ball of curiosity and energy. He is starting to show his preferences and non preferences towards just about anything and everything. 

And I'm one of them. Sometimes I just want to hug on him. "No" he yelps as he runs and hides in the Star Wars tent. Sometimes I just want to give him a kiss. "No" is his response as he runs back outside. But sometimes, like as I was sitting here, right before writing this blog, looking at books on Amazon, he comes running in and throws his arms around me. He doesn't say anything, just hugs me and then books it back outside. I smile, because even if I can't control Klaeyton's affection, I know he still loves me and still has some for me. 

Oh the joy of being an ordinary mom. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

My Six List For Thursday :)

1. My back hurts. Right at this moment. And I even saw the chiropractor again today. They want to see me three times a week. What do I do when my insurance runs out? I should probably work this out when I go again at 9 am tomorrow morning...

2. My kindle got here today. I read most of the users manual. I think I could become obsessed. I think I'm going to tell everyone to give me Amazon gift cards for Christmas and my birthday so that I can buy oodles and oodles of books :)

3. Klaeyton is now obsessed with the Bunny Foo Foo song and he loves to bonk himself on the head. I wonder about him sometimes. 

4. I tried a new recipe tonight that was called sliced pasta. I think my sauce might have been too runny because it didn't slice very well. It turned out more like baked ziti. It tasted fantastic and since it called for parchment paper in a loaf pan, the clean up was a cinch. Def nice. 

5. Matt and I have a date Sunday evening. It will consist of another couple we're friends with and endless shrimp at Red Lobster. I am totally stoked. 

6. I'm tired. It's going to be a short list tonight. 

The Park

Yesterday was absolutely beautiful outside. So Klaeyton and I went on an adventure to the park. We really should go more often considering it's so close and Klaeyton loves it. 

He was talking about the slide in this picture. I just love it. He looks so grown up. It makes me sad. 

I love his wild man hair. I'm not cutting it. It's going to get long and shaggy :)

I let him take his shoes off because of his boo-boo on his foot. He had a blister.
I think little kid feet are so cute. 
Ok...I just thought this was too cute. 

It was a fantastic time. And it gave me true quality time with Klaeyton. We talked about the sky. The grass. The sun, that he called "ball" and rocks and leaves. 

Oh the joy of being an ordinary mom. 

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

My Fourteen List for Wednesday :)

1. This may not be an everyday occurance, but it will definitely be a prominent trend :) Some days I just get too busy :)

2. So...I def decided to keep my Kindle order... and I'm pretty stoked to announce that it is scheduled to be delivered tomorrow. Yay!

3. Ok... so I secretly love to watch South Park. Only when Klaeyton isn't around though. 

4. It's almost eleven p.m. and I'm not as tired as I normally am, which worries me, because it means I will be dragging my behind in the morning when Klaeyton decides to wake me up at 7 a.m.

5. Today was an absolutely beautiful day and it gave me the opportunity to figure some things out in my head that I am currently battling. 

6. I started my grad school essay! I'm hoping to finish it by the end of the weekend. 

7. I got to see the chiropractor today and I get to go again tomorrow. It helped some today but I'm still experiencing some pain :(

8. A conversation I had with Matt this evening:
Me: Matt quit eating my sugar cookies
(He eats the dough in the fridge and doesn't bake them, I love them and they satisfy my pregnancy cravings :)
Matt: sjdfkhjasdfkhadsfhaskljdh (talking to the tv or something)
Me: Did you hear me? I said quit eating my sugar cookies
Matt: I heard you, I just ignored you. 
Me: (laughs) I love how you just told me that you ignored me

9. Despite the fact that he eats my sugar cookies and ignores me, I love him. 

10. I lost my fantasy football game by almost 100 points this week. It was humiliating and depressing at the same time, the worst part though is that I was awarded the "you need to make some changes" trophy which pretty much translates to "you suck" I'm determined to redeem myself this week. 

11. I'm extending my list, mixing it up a bit. 

12. It's supposed to rain tonight and I'm excited because I love sleeping while it's raining outside :) weird...yes I know. 

13. Everyone is sick. My husband. My son. My friends. Everyone but me. But I know I'll end up with it, it's just a matter of when. 

14. Ok. It's bed time. 

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

The Car Hat :)

I've began gathering things for the winter season. Brainstorming to figure out what we need. Hats, gloves, coats, a snowsuit, boots all that jazz, and the downside to having babies and toddlers is that rarely can they wear what they wore last year, so I'm pretty much starting from scratch. Boo. I will be attending a resale event this Saturday where I'm hoping to find a whole slew of stuff for the kiddos, but yesterday as we were exploring the new Walmart in Lorain I came across this hat (and it came with mittens) for $7. Normally, I wouldn't pay that, but I also know how much Klaeyton really doesn't care to wear hats, so I figured maybe if it had something on it that he's completely obsessed with, he'll actually wear it. And yes I was right, so yes it was worth paying seven dollars for. It's not even cold yet and he loves his car hat :) 

Oh the joy of being an ordinary mom. 

Monday, September 13, 2010

I Think Pregnancy Hormones Are Stupid.

Ever have one of those days where everything irritates you? Where you cry for no apparent reason and you want to crawl under a rock? Yes, I think we all have days like that. But when you're pregnant, you're expected to have days like that. Today hasn't been that bad, but I can def feel the pregnancy hormones creeping up on me and I don't like it. I don't like not being in complete control of my emotions. And I certainly don't like when I find myself irritated or crying and really can't pin point the reason why. It just isn't convenient for me. I like to be happy. I like to see the glass half full and laugh at the sticky situations that everyone gets stuck in in life. Pregnancy hormones make all of that so much more difficult. I think they're stupid. 

Short blog I know. But I wanted to share that :)

Oh the joys of being pregnant. 

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday's Ten List :)

1. 9/11 should be a national holiday. I can remember exactly where I was and what I was doing that day. I think it's like this for most Americans. 

2. I'm really tired, but fear I won't sleep well tonight. 

3. I woke up this morning freezing, ummm....hello Ohio, I'm ready for fall not winter. 

4. Matt went and had the oil changed today and had some diagnostics done on our car, according to them, if we fixed everything that is wrong with it, it would cost us 1600 bucks! That's almost what we paid for it! We can't do it all, but we def have to have our brakes done this week...sometimes I wish we could get by without needing a stinking car. 

5. I spent a lot of time on the couch today, my back still aches. 

6. I tried watching college football today, I'm just not that into it. 

7. I was able to catch up with some old friends this evening. When I think about it, I've met a lot of people in my life that have impacted me somehow. It just goes to show God's plan for me in action. 

8. Klaeyton has a blankey fetish. He insists on taking like 4 of them to bed with him. And if he wakes up at 5 or 6 and I stick him in the bed with me, I can't leave his room without all his blankeys. 

9. I drank a lot of hot chocolate today. It was fantabulous. 

10. After K.s bath tonight we were snuggling on the couch watching Shrek (of course) and he was rubbing my belly. I almost cried. It was precious. 

Friday, September 10, 2010

Friday's Ten List :) Yes I Think This Could Be a Trend :)

1. Crud! I forgot to call the chiropractor today, how could I forget with this immense back pain I'm suffering from right now?

2. So I'm really debating on using my amazon gift cards towards a kindle. I really really want one, but I feel like right now I should be buying baby stuff not a totally awesome digital reader.

3. I did place my amazon order for the newest generation kindle today though. But I have about a week to change my mind since currently they are out of stock. 

4. My leftover blackberry cobbler was absolutely heavenly today. I think cobbler is going to be my new winter treat. 

5. I could really use a visit from the motivation fairy right now. 

6. I've been meaning to tell everyone about how the other day I broke a nail on my right hand, on the index finger and it STILL hurts. I know, you probably don't care, and if you do... well you shouldn't. Don't be weird. Just let me tell about my broken nail in peace. 

7. I'm reading this book now called Graceling and ummm...... yeah it's totally awesome. I think I'm liking it more than Twilight. No, it isn't about vampires. But it does have this girl who kicks a lot of butt, so there's lots of fighting but lots of romance. Anyhow, just check it out. 

8. I miss Matt a lot. A lot more than I let on. But I know that's expected. 

9. I caught Klaeyton aggravating the next door neighbor's dog today. I couldn't help but smile on the inside. 

10. Tomorrow is Saturday, the start of my work week :) and def cinnamon roll morning, but even more importantly it's 9/11 and I can remember exactly what I was doing that day, I can even remember what I was wearing. It makes me sad. 

Taco Skillet Pie

So I got this recipe from a cookbook by Parenting Magazine. And the format from this blog by The Pioneer Woman ( If you've never checked her out, she's AMAZING, but please don't compare her blogs to mine, especially her photography. Oh man if I had a great camera and some photog skills and training (which I really do want, but where would I fit those in?) Anyway, I'm getting off subject, debuting something quick easy and fantastic (Matt even ate the leftovers :) 

You'll Need:
1 lb ground beef (or chuck or turkey or whatever you fancy)
1 (19 oz) can black beans (with the liquid, yep don't drain those suckers)
1 can (14.5 oz) chili diced tomatoes with green chilies (you can actually use whatever you want, the recipe really calls for petite-cut zesty jalapeno tomatoes, but I couldn't find those)
1 pkg taco seasoning mix (I used Mild and it still had a kick to it, well little Julyiet gave me heartburn anyhow :)
1 (6.5 oz) corn bread mix
Whatever is required to fix said corn bread mix (mine called for an egg, milk and butter)
Mexi-Blend shredded cheese
Optional: Sour Cream

Step One: Pre-Heat your oven to 425! Brown your ground meat :)
Step Two: Def drain that stuff!
Step Three: Pour in beans, tomatoes and taco seasoning. Cook it up, let it boil and then simmer for a minute or two.
Step Four: While your awesomeness is cooking mix up your corn bread.
So that it looks something like this :)
And your awesomeness will look something like this :)
Step Five: Turn off your awesomeness and pour your cornbread mix on the top. 
Spread it all around and plop it in the oven :)
Step Six: Bake for ten minutes and then pull out and cover with as much cheese as you would like. 
Step Seven: Bake 5 more minutes and VOILA! Ok that isn't Spanish but I'm not sure what the Spanish term would be. I let it sit for a minute or two and then served it up! Matt loved it, Klaeyton only ate the bread and the beans and of course wanted more cheese. 
Oh and we added sour cream to ours. Enjoy!
P.S. next time I am def using my camera. These pictures are not so great :)

A Beautiful Thing.

Just something beautiful I wanted to share....

I take it for granted and sometimes overlook how important this is. How magical it can be and beautiful it is to see him with it. So comfortable and in place. It's like watching a masterpiece in motion and seeing that it's exactly where God wants him to be. 

I certainly don't think this picture does justice. I really should start using my camera rather than the one on my iphone. The quality is like a million times better :)

Coming cooking adventure from last night!

Oh the joys of being an ordinary wife :)

Thursday, September 9, 2010

My Ten List For Today!

I need to get over my "fear" of blogging. I'm always so worried that my posts need to be of some sort of caliber. Umm. Who am I writing this for again? Well, I love my readers :) yes I know who some of you are, I secretly stalk you. JUST KIDDING! But ultimately I do this because I enjoy doing it, so why am I fretting?

The last couple days have been busy, hence the lack of postage :) So this one, it's def going to be labeled with pretty much everything. YES! 

1. This is Klaeyton, wait for it...eating chicken nuggets!!! I haven't been able to get him to eat hardly any kind of meat and he scarfed these...the vegetables...well not so much but we'll work on that :)

2. Oh Klaeyton and his suckers. Cheese!

3. Yes this is only about 2 minutes later :) I have to admit I felt pretty bad having to wake him up to clean up his face :)

4. I tried out a new recipe tonight that I'll share later. I even took pictures :)

5. My dog has an in the house complex where she thinks she's too good to ever be outside. 

6. Klaeyton loves to put his own shoes on and when I catch him putting them on the wrong feet, I say, "Wrong foot!" and instead of switching feet, he picks up the other shoe. Am I the only one who thinks this is weird?

7. I can't remember the last time I sat through a whole meal in my home without having to get up at least like a gazillion times. 

8. It's beginning to feel oh so much like fall...and I LOVE IT!

9. I really do think I want a Kindle. The more I read about them, the more I want one. 

10. I was sitting here thinking what the last item on my ten list today would be when Matt walked out of the bathroom looking like this. Oh the things that drop in your lap. Yes, I married this man :)

Oh the joy of being me :)

Monday, September 6, 2010

My Mommy Feelings

There are def other things I should be doing, but I had to share this story while it was fresh in my mind. 

Klaeyton refused to take a nap today. We tried at least three times up until 2:30. No luck. Don't get me wrong, I will not let him give up his nap that easily, but I also know when it isn't worth the effort. 

Anyhow, no nap = oober cranky Klaeyton. duh. Normally, I wouldn't alternate his bed time because I like to keep him on a regular sleep schedule. But tonight I knew he wasn't going to make it till 8:30. So we did our bedtime thing and when I put him in his crib he was mad at me. He didn't want to go to bed. I turned on his music and turned around and asked him for my night-night kiss. He says, "No!" and goes to the corner of his crib. I said, "Ok" with my sad face (I know I know I shouldn't guilt my child into kissing me goodnight, but for truths sake, my feelings were hurt) Of course he screamed for me to come back as I start to leave the room. I told him I was only asking one more time and then I would leave and close the door. So what does my angelic toddler do? He tells me "No!" and goes to the corner of the crib. Sure enough, I sucked up my hurt mommy feelings and left. 

What did Klaeyton do? Of course, he screamed bloody murder for about ten minutes. I knew he needed to calm down before he would fall asleep, so this time I sucked up my mommy pride and went in. He immediately grabbed for me to give me a kiss. Now I know I could have let him scream endlessly, to prove my point. But I had a bigger point to prove (other than picking my battles). 

As Klaeyton kissed me goodnight, I rubbed his back (never taking him out of the crib) and told him to have sweet dreams and that I loved him. I left the room and he didn't make a peep. The more I thought about it, the more I was satisfied with the decision I made. Some may think I was too soft, or that I'm not teaching him anything, but I felt like in those moments I was showing my son forgiveness, and more importantly that I may leave him to hang for a little while, but that I love him and I'll always be there even when he hurts my mommy feelings. 

I know I know, he's too young to understand that, but maybe it was more for me than him. Maybe I needed to know that even when K hurts my mommy feelings, I will still always be there. 

Mexi Chicken Bake

If you know anything about me, you know that Sunday is actually the start of my work week, hence why there was no blog yesterday. 

But... I wanted to share a quick and easy dinner that I came up with and tested out (again) on friends of ours last night. 

You need:
Baking pan (I use a 13 by 9 glass pan)
1-2 lbs boneless chicken tenders (depending on how many people you're feeding)
1 can chili ready tomatoes (drain)
1 small jar of salsa
1 can black beans (drain)
1 can corn (drain)

shredded cheese
sour cream

I put my oven on 375 and put the meat and all the top stuff in the pan. I cover and cook until the chicken is done. 

Make the rice and pour mixture over top and add some cheese and sour cream. Voila! So easy and so good. You could probably spice it up a bit with spices and seasonings but I found the salsa and chili tomatoes are good if you don't like handling spices :) 

It also reheats really well. We learned, though that it might be a better meal with corn chips than rice for little kids. At least that way if you don't have a dog, you aren't cleaning up rice off the floor. Unless of course your toddlers don't throw their food on the floor ;)

Oh the joy of being an ordinary mom (and cook apparently :)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

I Semi-Bribed My Toddler? So What?

I ran some errands yesterday for work and for personal reasons. I decided to let Matt sleep in, so I took Klaeyton with me. First, we went to Dollar General so I could pick up some packaging tape to mail in my old text books to Amazon (which I'm stoked I'll be getting $75 in Amazon credit for). Anywho, Klaeyton was so good. I didn't even have to put him in a cart. So I rewarded him with a push pop. Probably not the healthiest option I could have went for, but I figured it would also keep him pretty occupied as we got in and out of the car the next few times.  So it was half reward and half bribe, I just didn't tell him about the bribe part. 

I have to admit. The Push Pop was worth it :)

We then proceeded to Subway so I could get some gift cards. Klaeyton, was again very good, especially since we had to wait awhile. The lady thought he was so cute she gave him a cookie.  Here's my little man double fisting his treats.

Our last two stops were pretty short and simple and as before Klaeyton was really well behaved. Our days aren't always so peaceful and tantrum free, but I also believe... how do children learn to act in public if you never take them out in public? I got so lucky yesterday, but I think after the splurges he was allowed, he might actually want to go on errands with me more often :)

Oh the joy of being an ordinary mom. 

Upstairs Progress

Yesterday was kind of a busy day... now that I look back on it, I'm surprised I got so much done. But I'm certainly not here to ramble off each minute that was accounted for. I actually just wanted to post regarding my progress on the upstairs :) 

If you remember from the other day, it was quite a mess, even after I started it. Well it's still sort of a mess, but at least now it's a categorized mess that will be a lot easier for me to sort through :)

Woo Hoo there is clean floor space! I know it looks like everything is just shoved to the left, but I can assure you it's sorted. See all that baby stuff? Most of it is going to the nursery, the rest of it will end up on the curb or craigslist :)
Ok give me a break I'm soaking up the satisfaction of clear floor space :)
Ok I promise this is the last picture of nothing, but you see that?! Nothing! ...well except that random baby toy :)
I just had to share this picture. Klaeyton helped me out upstairs and wore this hat around for a good thirty minutes. My little mexican toe head :)
I'm determined. This upstairs will get done. We will be ready for this baby :)
Oh the joy of being an ordinary mom.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

The Upstairs...Dun Dun Duuun!

I'm trying out this whole labels thing on the blog to see how it works. hmm. 

Anywho, this post is really about how I'm celebrating that I finally drug my butt upstairs to get started. And of course, telling you all about it just wouldn't do me justice. So I'll share some pictures with you all. Warning! Disclosure! It's a complete disaster, but now it's a complete disaster in progress :)

This is what my stairs currently look like. I started from the back of the upstairs and haven't made it this far, so yes even after today my stairs still look like this. 

I guess I should be embarrassed. But I'm not. 
                     This is what the top of the stairs looks like. 
                             Nope didn't make it here yet either.

This is what I managed to get done in only an hour. All those boxes on the left, those are "crap boxes" meaning I threw all the crap that was on the floor in them and pushed them to the side, because ultimately I still have to go through them all. And I would like to say that the majority of stuff in those boxes belongs to my husband. The boxes on the right consist of all the books that used to be on our bookshelf, until we moved and it died. 

I must say I'm impressed with the amount of clear floorspace I achieved. I'm off to a great start :)

Unfortunately, I still have this to sort through before really beginning the clearing out of stuff. Well, this and the crap on the stairs I shared earlier. It seems I have my work cut out for me. :)

But I'm ok with it. Once it's finished, I'll hardly know what to do with myself. 

Don't worry. I'll keep you updated :)

The Smell of Roses in the Workplace

I knew I married him for a reason ;)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Warning: Naked Baby!

I woke up this morning feeling awfully inspired and knew it was going to be a day where I wrote a lengthly blog. So here I am, on my back porch, soaking up the shade and watching Klaeyton and Jasey chase each other in the yard. I have to admit, I smile when she aggravates him. Only because he aggravates her on a constant basis and I'm a true believer that what goes around comes around. 

I had my first real baby dream last night. One that wasn't too creepy and where I could actually picture baby Julyiet. I think that may be why I woke up feeling much better, considering the scare I had about 1:30. 

I woke up, naturally because I had to pee and noticed Matt wasn't home from work yet. I figured I'd open Klaeyton's door to help with the air flow now that I knew he was fast asleep. I peek in and can't see him anywhere in his crib! Granted, it's mostly dark but I couldn't even see a body outline. I hurry in, not caring how loud I'm being and my eyes search the crib frantically to find him behind the curtain (that he had pulled into the crib) all curled up in a ball. I don't think I've ever sighed so heavily in relief. It was one of the scariest moments ever and I experienced it half asleep. So naturally when I stumbled back into bed, I was wide awake and afraid that a night of good sleep was completely lost. So my Julyiet dream came at a very good time. 

Klaeyton and I went to Life Groups around 10 and leaving there I felt even more refreshed. It's nice to have time with other moms. I think that's when I really realize that I'm normal and that being a mom is no ordinary adventure. 

Speaking of adventures I have a few things about Klaeyton to share, because pretty much everything with him is an adventure ;)

He proceeded to whine about his boo boo this morning.
So I band-aided it up with an awesome Shrek band-aid. 
But of course the little boy in him takes over.
As he continually not only took the band-aid off 
But kept picking at the scab, making it raw.
And what do you know? 
He kept whining about it too :)

Klaeyton fell asleep for his five minute cat nap
on the way home...

Still clutching his pretzel stick. 

So naturally...
Nap time was somewhat of a struggle.
Instead of lying down at 12:30 like usual,
He gave me a hard time so I tried again at 2.
By this time, I needed a nap and actually fell asleep for 2 hours!
After Matt left for work around 4:30, I went in to check on K
and open his door of course.
No, there was no where is he? scare. 
Instead, I found this:

Mind you, Klaeyton has never done this before. 
It's even funnier because today at Life Groups 
another mom 
was talking about how her son has learned to undo his cloth diapers at night. 
And of course, I was thinking...
I'm so lucky Klaeyton has never done that. 
That's what I get for thinking. 
I couldn't disrupt this little angels sleep.
So, instead I just assumed I'd have a mess to clean up in awhile. 
But what do you know?
Klaeyton woke up dry and even let me put his dry diaper back on him. 

I'm sure he'll hate me when he's older 
and I blow this picture up 
for his 16th birthday party ;)

Oh the joy of being an ordinary mom.