Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I am beyond overdue. And the interesting part is I've been itching to write for awhile now, but have been so busy that I haven't squeezed in the time to sit down and actually write. Well, today I decided to do just that. I've been extremely productive all morning and believe I am taking a well deserved break :) 

Let's see. Where should I even begin? Well... I'll start with a Thursday a couple weeks ago. It was a great day. Matt and I were having an ultrasound done at the imaging center and were leaving the house with K when we checked the mail and got an excellent surprise that enabled us to head to the Apple store that day and purchase our new Mac :) I'm sure you can imagine how extremely excited I was. So we drop K off with the grandparents and head to the imaging center. Now keep in mind we are pretty positive this baby's a boy. But not only were we wrong but the ultrasound lady was so great! "You see those three little lines...no boy parts...you're having a girl" The surprise was huge! Here I had accepted that I'd be in the house with all boys, when God throws me a curve ball :) I won't reveal the whole name yet because we haven't decided on a spelling yet :) You know us...it's gotta be a little unconventional. But yes Baby Harden is def a GIRL!

We were then off to Michigan, where I got to meet a lot of Matt's extended family for the first time. It was a fantastic couple of days! Klaeyton had an absolute blast and we were sad to leave. But now we know there are many more fun times to be had. 

We're making some changes. If you know Matt and I, you know we're always up for change. Matt's looking at new programs and possibly looking for a day job. I think I have finally found my calling and am now scouting Master's programs as well. It's exciting. 

Klaeyton grows by the day. (And some days he thinks he's so grown that he doesn't need a nap, but Mommy is working on negating that one) His vocabulary especially. Yesterday Matt taught him to call Mommy a fat fat. Which I have to admit was absolutely hysterical. He still won't repeat I love you, but he'll talk to you for hours if you'd let him. 

The other day he threw his shoe out the car window. Thankfully we were parked and I just happened to be looking in the rear view mirror at that moment. 

He broke a ceramic gum jar at this mexican restaurant we were at on Sunday. A tad embarrassing. 

He growls at every unknown female that attempts to talk to him. I still haven't quite figured this one out yet. 

One of the best yet though...one morning as Klaeyton and I are trying to wake Matt up in the bed, Klaeyton farts and then says, "Daddy, Shoo-ey" Yep. Hysterical. 

I want to start keeping more notes of all the memorable things he does. I know twenty years from now there will be a gazillion and some of them I just don't want to forget. 

Oh the joy of being an ordinary mom.

1 comment:

  1. I told JR about the fart story and he nearly fell over laughing. BTW, I'm following now. I have a blog too! So cool. I thought I would never actually meet someone who likes to blog.


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