Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Coupon Box

Thank you all so much for being patient with me :)

The Coupon Box

I haven't used this method, but I do hear really nice things about it. Actually, Crystal from just posted a video about how she uses the coupon box as part of her method. You can view her video here

Basically you can use a shoe box, or a plastic box with a lid. I bet that would work better. You can use dividers and store the coupons in envelopes or you could even sort by whole insert. It all really depends on what works best for you. 

I believe the box method would have to be used with another method, such as the small file folder, because I'm sure if you have small children, you wouldn't want to lug the box into the store and have to dig through it for a coupon you think you have. I do think that it's a great idea in storing coupons at home, especially if you collect multiple of the same coupon or if you're holding onto expired ones.

Up next: The File Folder 

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