Friday, December 31, 2010

10 Goals for 2011

New Year's resolutions. I've never really been a fan. I always said they were pointless because no one ever keeps them, but I think I was saying that because I couldn't keep them. I no longer think they're pointless, you just have to be smart about which ones you make, which I'll admit I'm still working on. If I had my way, there are about a million things I would change/fix in 2011, but I figure I should be careful about what I actually commit to. So with that being said, some of my "resolutions" are more like ongoing goals. :)

1. I am going to do the Bible in a year reading and I'm going to make it through the whole year. This one I'm not budging on at all, there's no wiggle room. It's the one resolution that is pretty much set in stone. 

2. We've been working on budgeting better and it's been going pretty well, with the exception of these spontaneous high fix-the-car expenses, so this year I want to keep working on the budgeting and to definitely put more money aside in an emergency fund. 

3. I want to run. I've always hated running, but I won't lie, I haven't done hardly any physical activity since I got pregnant with Jules and it's like I can feel my body screaming at me to do something and since everyone I know seems to run and I know how good it is for my body I'd really like to start. It would be nice to be able to run a 5k by the end of summer. 

4. I want to cook more. We have a tiny kitchen with no, and yes I mean NO counter space, but I've got to learn to be more inventive. I don't want Klaeyton eating frozen food every night just because Matt isn't here to eat dinner with us, unless it's frozen food that I froze. Yes, I want to start freezer cooking :)

5. I am going to make it through school. This one doesn't really have any wiggle room either. Classes start January 12 and I am determined to do well. 

6. I want to spend more "couple" time with Matt. I know how hard it's going to be now with two kids, one of them almost permanently attached at the breast, but it's possible and it definitely needs to be a priority. And this prospect makes me even more excited to book our cruise in the summa time :)

7. I want to work on the house/yard throughout this year. I have yet to firm up this plan, but I was thinking if I focused on one room each month or even two months (for big rooms, like the upstairs) then I'd be able to get things more organized and what not. In the summer time I can work on smaller rooms and work on the yard. I'd like to possibly paint, actually color coordinate and go through things. 

8. I want to read more. I don't know where I can possibly fit this in and it's not like we have cable and I'm rotting away in front of the tv, but I watch a lot of stuff online and well, I just don't read as much as I would like. I also want more variety in what I read. I know I don't read enough nonfiction. Maybe I'll make a list of books I want to read....

9. I want to read more with Klaeyton. We read often but not every day, and now he repeats things so well. He can "read" almost the entire Brown Bear Brown Bear book. I'll have to get it on video one of these days. I just really want him to have a love for books like I do. 

10. As much as I don't want to do this, I have to force myself to see a dentist. You see, the one thing I am absolutely terrified of is the dentist. I would rather give birth a million times, have major surgery or drop a hammer on my toes than go to the dentist. But it's been so long and I swear my teeth are going to fall out. This is the year I conquer my fear. I guess there isn't any wiggle room here either : /

There you have it. My New Year's Resolutions. Of course I'm sure there are more things I want to accomplish, but these are my top ten, and now that I've written them down (or typed, yeah whatever) and shared them with all of you, I have to be accountable for them. Maybe I should print this entry and stick it on the fridge...

Happy New Year!

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