Saturday, January 8, 2011

Snow Days!

Matt and I really do hate Ohio...we don't care for the sports teams, we absolutely hate the weather and the roads are terrible. We do love the people here though, which is probably why we've stuck around ;) and of course because we know this is where God wants us to be. 

I'm getting way off track here. This post is about the weather. Yes, like I said, we hate the weather here. The seasons in our part of Ohio consist of winter, really winter, more winter and construction season. 

I used to love snow... as a kid. I think that's because I didn't have to drive in it. I didn't have to clean it up in my house and I certainly didn't have to drag two small children out in it. Now...I pretty much hate snow. If it could just snow on Christmas and that's it, I'd be so happy. But... this is Ohio so with that being said I'm sure you can guess what the weather was like today. Yep. We got snow. And since it's Saturday and we didn't have a whole lot of pressing things to get done, Matt took Klaeyton out in it. This is the first big time he's gotten to play in the snow this year.
 Getting ready to go out :)

 Throwing snow balls :)

 Getting ready to make a snow angel. This is where K made a really funny face because he got snow down his pants :)
Yay for Snow Days!

Oh the joy of being an ordinary mom :)

1 comment:

  1. See, you have your seasons mixed up. There's Winter, Rain and orange barrle season. :) Cute pictures.


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